Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wifi to the rescue!

Hey everybody! So we just got home for the evening and we are pretty tired…really hoping we will sleep good tonight. We started our day off with a big breakfast consisting of muffins, fruit, pancakes, cereal, tea and coffee. The cook is wonderful. After breakfast we ventured out onto the streets for the first time. First we went to a couple different cafes in search of an internet connection. We tried at Munch, the German bakery and then we tried at the Swiss Café. We tried…and failed. So we decided to return home and see what was going on here. We finally got an internet connection at the house! Which means that now, hopefully, we’ll be keeping up with our blogs. No promises though haha. Abraham has arranged a driver for us while we stay here with them and today he took us on a tour of the city. It was a great experience. We ate lunch at Blue Tops restaurant, saw some awesome animals [and big lions!] at a small zoo, visited the Sheraton Hotel and just drove around to simply get a feel for Addis. The contrast between rich and poor here is very extreme. For instance the very elaborate Sheraton Hotel, the nicest hotel in Africa, is surrounded by poverty and homes covered with tin roofs. It’s crazy though because it seems as if the people who are out on the streets, the people with no food and no home, hold the most joy, love and happiness. The people living in luxury are missing that happiness and that joy in their lives. Happiness, joy and love don’t come from anything the world has to offer. It’s like we talked about on Monday night during the Bible study. It’s all about fellowship, being together with one another and relying upon God. We had our first official Ethiopian meal tonight at the Cherokee House and we met many more friends from different places. We felt a little more at home being round people from North Carolina haha. We also had a lot of fun talking to Abraham’s son after dinner. We had a lot of fun today. Tomorrow we go to Destiny school! It’s ten o clock here so we’re going to be getting ready for bed soon. Goodnight everyone! Hopefully more updates tomorrow!
Hello everyone! Our severe jet lag has hindered our ability to blog the last couple of days, but we have had a great time. The plane ride was extremely long. When we finally made it to Ethiopia there were four people waiting for us t the airport. Tsegaye, Konjit, Ermias, and Abraham welcomed us to the country. The morning after we arrived, we accidentally slept until 1:30 P.M. Ethiopian time! (That’s 6:30 A.M. for all you Americans back home.) Currently, we are sitting in the Swiss Café trying to connect to blogger. We all four got a drink for less than two dollars. We drink tea or coffee a lot throughout the day. We have made lots of new friends the last couple of days. All the people here are so beautiful! They are all so friendly and sweet. Last night we went with Abraham to the Monday night Bible study with all of the ministry leaders. It was an amazing experience to listen in on their study of fellowship. Their love and joy for God and one another was very evident in all that they did. The Bible study was at the girl’s home an we were able to meet a few of the girl’s, but we didn’t get to spend time with them. Today, we are exploring the area and getting used to life here in Addis. Tomorrow, we will go to Destiny, the school Jessica worked at during her last visit. We'll update more later! Miss you all!